Friday, March 6, 2009

How to speak Oklahoman - a short quiz

1. What is the correct response to the greeting 'How are you?'

a) Very well, thank you
b) Fine, thanks
c) Good, how are you?

2. What should you say if you don't quite catch what someone has said?

a) Sorry?
b) Pardon?
c) Excuse me?

3. How do you attract the attention of a man whose name you don't know?

a) Excuse me?
b) Oi, mate!
c) Sir?

4. How do you attract the attention of a lady whose name you don't know?

a) Excuse me?
b) Oi, darlin'!
c) Ma'am? (pronouced to rhyme with 'Spam')

5. What is the correct response to someone who says 'thank you'?

a) Not at all
b) Don't mention it
c) Uh-huh

Clue: the answer is c) in each case.

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