Monday, November 9, 2009

The beginning of the end

Well, my Oklahoman oddysey is coming to an end. I've got a new job to start in January in the UK. The house is on the market, and we're making plans to move on.

I feel somehow that the blog should end on a high note - perhaps a poem or even a musical number. But it'll probably just fizzle out in some kind of unsatisfactory way.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Soup of the day

Why is the 'soup of the day' in every single American restaurant always chicken noodle?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Phone frustration

Why, when you phone Bank of America's number for checking suspicious transactions, is the last item on the second automated menu (after you have keyed in your account number, date of birth, social security number etc.) 'Press 8 if you want to wire money to Mexico'?